We are excited to announce new
Dance Classes for Young Adults
Come and join the fun!
5 Sundays, April 24 - May 227-9pm
   Polish Hall, 3832 N. Interstate Ave.
No dance skills required.  

Relaxed & friendly beginning classes in 

$125 per person for 5 week session,
   if signed up by Friday, April 22
   $135 if signed up April 23 or 24

SWING - Fun & easy, with high energy
NIGHTCLUB TWO-STEP -Contemporary dance. Smooth with heavy beat.
WALTZ - Great songs. Flow across the floor. Dynamic!

Sign-up by e-mail to Uwe

Colleen and I will start teaching a group of wonderful young adults who would enjoy meeting and learning with other dancers. Their request is for dancers in their 20s and 30s.
Do you know a young adult who would like to learn to dance?  You, your kids, co-workers, neighbors, friends? 
This will be their chance to join in with others of their age. 

Our classes are fun and social. 
Once you learn these popular dances, you can join Portland's thriving dance community, offering over 100 different dances per week!

Here's a map to the Polish Club 832 N. Interstate Ave. Portland, OR